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Baby Gender Prediction

Parents prepare a male and female unique baby names. Some baby names only apply to female baby. Although the medical advancement have improved to tell the gender, the gender is sometimes hard to tell. And sometimes, parents like to wait to keep the excitement.

At the first few weeks, it is too early to tell the gender of the baby. Doctors use ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby during the prenatal care. Now, a blood test may be able to tell the gender of the baby. However, many Doctors are questioning the ethics of the blood test at this time.

The ET and IT at the end of the Egyptian baby names signify a female baby names. For example, Neferet who was an Egyptian Queen is an Egyptian female baby name. Pasherit is another example. By the way, most Egyptian baby name can be applied to male or female.

The Spanish baby names that end with the letter A signify a female baby name. For example, Adriana, Beatrisa, Carlita, Delfina, Elvira, Francisca, Graciana, Isabella, and Julieta are female baby names. Spanish are spoken in many countries. So, many countries follow the same principle.

The French baby names that end with letter E signify a female baby name. For example, Jeane, Jeanette, Jeanine, Jeanne, and Jenette are female baby names of Jean. Jean is French baby name of John. Many countries follow the same principle, because French are spoken in many countries too.

The Arabic baby names that end with letter A or H signify a female baby name. For example, Abdullah, Bashira, Fatinah, Halimah, Jameelah, Laila, Myrna, Rahimateh, and Sharika are female baby names.

Chinese baby names can be applied to male or female baby, because the meanings of the baby name are general and vague.

Some origins of baby name are culturally enriched. In that case, the gender of the baby name is hard to tell. Unless you are really familiar with the language, the gender of the baby name is hard to tell.

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of unique baby names, female baby names, and Spanish baby names websites.
