Without a doubt, science fairs aren't exclusively the domain of elementary schools. Some people are surprised to find out the magnitude and importance of international science fairs. The prizes can be fantastic and the accolades prestigious.
If you are an aspiring scientist or just a science buff, consider these international science competitions.
Today's Largest International Science Fair
The grand-daddy of them all is the world's largest pre-college scientific competition known as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The fair was founded in 1950 and is held in May. While the location of this competition changes annually, the fair is almost always held in the United States.
Whats the big deal? Well, about 1400 students compete from the world over. The winner is awarded a $50,000 college scholarship. Not too shabby, eh? All together the prizes total about $3,000,000. So there's plenty of prizes to go around, ranging from grants to scientific field trips.
Explaining how to win that big show is beyond the scope of this website, but if you want more information, visit the "Science Service". At the "Science Service" website you will find resources able to assist you in regards to judging criteria. The link is available at Science-Ideas.Com.
Other International Fairs
Ireland has their own national fair called the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. It has been running since 1965.
Winners of European national competitions have the opportunity to participate in the European Union Contest for Young Scientists. This show features the best in European scientific student achievement. The 2006 venue is Stockholm, Sweden.
In the running for most prestigious science competition is the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar. This competition is for older youths aged from around 18 to the mid 20's. What makes this one so important? Well, it's held in connection to the Nobel Prize. Aside from that, only 25 people are invited to attend. These selected competitors have won other international science competitions in the past.
With all that in mind, set your goals in the clouds and reach out to become a competitor, or even better, a WINNER at one of these historically important and prestigious science fairs!
Articles like this one, along with Science Fair Project Ideas are available at Science-Ideas.Com.
Jeremy Roehrich holds a B.S. in Computer Security and is currently pursuing research in securing mobile devices.
Science Fair Project Idea articles like this one are available at www.Science-Ideas.com.
Source: www.articlesbase.com