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Nostradamus Predictions

Nostradamus said that, “A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order.” It is through then his power of suggestion that we turn to the art of numerology and fortune telling. Turning to the stars to give us guidance is something that humans have done for centuries, whether we admit it or not. We all secretly want to know what is going to happen, if we will blessed with love, health and money. We all want to be prepared for what life has in store for us. Turning to someone that can help give us that advice then with a tried and true process only makes sense. There is such a place.

Astrology is the study of the stars and what they mean. It is a science that tells of the influence that those heavenly bodies have over our everyday lives, such as what makes us humans, our character and our affairs. It is through a mathematical process, in fact an exact science, that astronomy describes the heavenly bodies of stars and explains their motions. You then used applied science to establish the principles of astronomy and why it is a guide for delineating human character and all judgments are based on mathematical calculations.

From and empirical standpoint astronomy and astrology use deductions that are based upon data that is accurate and that has been gathered for thousands of years. In fact astrology is the oldest science there is. Astrology is not only pre-historic but pre-traditional as well. It is through the use of these principles, data, and philosophies that horoscopes and fortune telling are based.

It is through understanding the stars and our universe that we are able to get an insight into what is to come. Visit us to get a glimpse of what your future holds will give you the key to life as it is at the moment. Again looking to Nostradamus for guidance when asked about the predictions he offered he had this to say, “That, when the read them, they reflect on them profoundly, so that, in their great understanding, they will find words to keep the profane and the ignorant far away.”

Take the time and visit the fortune tellers. The service is free, but once you are given the keys to the good life you will want to make sure that they stay around to offer you help through all of what the cosmos holds for you, so make a donation. It is in essence a “reap what you sow” opportunity; help those that are helping you.

“Time does not exist… To love, to want, infinitely that is all, and all is that,” so said the great ~ Michel De Notre Dame Nostradamus.
